Evolution Of the Game

Most of us grew up with video games in the household, either the original Nintendo in the living room or hoarding quarters for that trip to the arcade. And as time moves on, that line of nostalgia will keep moving forward where ‘Frogger’ gets replaced with ‘FIFA 09’ or ‘NFS Most Wanted’.

The spirit remain same as we level up.
Let the Gamer in you unleash and relive the spirit !!

‪#‎Itmmaverick_5‬ ‪#‎itmbg15‬

Dawn Of Fame

Echo stampede as of horses
Filmic, tested in sand and

How come you
Close these hoof gaps into

Sounds whose images
Lie in heaps among throngs

Inevitable as fire. So,
The last day comes

And we who are marching forward
Make elongated shadows

As if moonstruck and benign
Optimistic we are.

Only an ocean might say
And only to the sky

When the sun rises
Mark the dawn of the Game.

Plethora of good wishes and love as the countdown to Maverick begins.

The Infinite Time Out

With great enthusiasm , team spirit and excitement in themselves THE BILL GATES batch is gearing up themselves for the biggest festival of itm ★★MAVERICK★★

‘Infinity’ being the theme of our event and which should also be the theme for our lives…spreading infinite happiness and joy, the BILL GATES batch is investing all its faculties in making everyone feel the sense of INFINITE JOY within themselves, their hearts and their souls !!! After all, life is about being infinite .. Trying the infinite . Getting infinite…

Soooo….Make way for Noddy (NODDY!) He toots his horn to say, beep, beep, beep, Make way for Noddy (NODDY) Come on out and Play….yessss guys u guessed it right…NODDY is our team’s Mascot. He will bring infinite gaming fun to #ITM #itmmaverick_5 so if you want to relive your childhood be there at ##TheArc


On 13th : Considered 13th : unlucky for some but is going to be infinitely awesome for all of us this year ..

our event is gonna change the myth about this date. because a lot of people will get lucky by winning a lot of stuff.. So people put on your thinking caps, tie down your sporty shoes and come over to #TheArc To know more about infinitely sensational gaming event for you the year ..!
WE BET YOU CAN’T GUESS IT RIGHT .. Because although it’s infinite yet there exists a time out ..!

So support us ..! Play with us .. Enjoy with us and we will make sure you all will LOVE US ..! After all, who doesn’t love the infinite fun.

Learn about our Mascot NODDY

Noddy is a fictional character created by English children’s author Enid Blyton, originally published between 1949 and 1963. Television shows based on the character have run on British television since 1955 and continue to appear to this day.
Noddy is a little wooden boy who lives in his own little House-for-One in Toyland. He was made by a woodcarver in a toy store but ran away after the man began to make a wooden lion, which scared Noddy. As he wanders through the woods, with no clothes, money or home, he meets Big Ears, a friendly brownie. Big Ears decides that Noddy is a toy and takes him to live in Toyland. He generously provides Noddy with a set of clothing and a house. While Noddy is quite happy to be a toy, the citizens of Toyland are not sure that he actually is one. They put Noddy on trial and examine whether he is a toy or an ornament. Eventually, Noddy is declared a toy, but still has to convince the court that he is a good toy. The judge accepts that Noddy is good after a doll tells the court that he saved her little girl from a lion, and he is allowed to stay in Toyland. Noddy gets his car in the second book. It is given to him after he helps solve a local mystery.